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  • Writer's pictureLiza Engel

Every Conversation Is a Stage - Turning Small Moments into Greater Opportunities

When I landed one of the most important jobs of my career, I discovered something interesting afterwards: the hiring team had asked the support staff - reception, assistants, etc - to rate the candidates. Isn’t that brilliant? They wanted to see how we treated people without influence or authority because those interactions speak volumes. Luckily, I’d taken the time to get to know these individuals - not to impress anyone, but because I genuinely wanted to understand their perspective on the company culture. It turns out those small moments mattered more than I knew.

Image by True Agency on Unsplash

This experience opened my eyes to something powerful:

Every conversation is a stage. We tend to think the big stage is the presentation, the boardroom pitch or the formal interview. But those everyday moments - the chats in the lobby, conversations with team members - are just as crucial. They might even be more revealing. Those moments build (or undermine) our reputation, relationships and impact as leaders.

So, what if we treated every conversation as a stage? Not in the exhausting sense of “always being on,” but in showing up fully every time. Being intentional in all interactions - whether talking to a CEO or a barista - can have a ripple effect beyond that moment.

The secret is presence. Real connection happens when we’re present. People feel it when we show up fully - they feel seen, heard and valued. But how do we create that presence in everyday moments? Here are five actionable steps to transform daily conversations into meaningful connections:

1. Set a Listening Intention

Before each interaction, take a moment to decide your goal or desired outcome beyond simply informing or telling. Aim to increase your understanding, connect and be fully present. Setting a listening intention brings a focused mindset to each conversation, and people feel that presence. I must admit that I get carried away by topics that excite me, and I need to take conscious steps to slow down to set those intentions.

2. Listen Without a Fixed Agenda

We often enter conversations with our minds racing - thinking about what we’ll say next or judging what the other person says before they finish. Instead, approach conversations with the curiosity of a journalist. I’ve found that by pretending I’m interviewing someone, I stay more focused on understanding rather than forming my conclusions too quickly. This approach has helped me judge less, stay more open and uncover the more profound, often hidden, stories. I once challenged myself for a year to engage with people whose opinions contradict mine. The goal wasn’t to debate but to listen and understand why they thought the way they did. It was sometimes uncomfortable, but it expanded my empathy, patience, understanding and, ultimately, my communication capacity.

3. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions are everywhere, and letting them creep into our conversations is easy. Put your phone away. Avoid glancing at screens, watching others walk by, or letting your mind wander. Let your body language send the message, “I’m fully here with you.” Undivided attention is a rare gift, and giving it can profoundly impact the people you interact with.

4. Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to connect. It’s a small action but carries enormous weight, showing people they are seen and matter. It’s more than just politeness; it's an intentional way to let others know you’re there with them, invested in the moment, conveying sincerity, confidence and attentiveness that instantly connects and reassures.

5. Wrap up or Follow Up Thoughtfully

As you wrap up the conversation or if you can follow up, revisit something personally discussed. It shows that you care and that the interaction was meaningful. This kind of follow-up turns a simple exchange into a memorable connection.

Each step helps transform everyday conversations into something more - a chance to respect others, understand their needs and show your authentic self. It’s a moment to lead by being fully present and an opportunity to create lasting impressions. In return, you’ll gain access to various perspectives and experiences, deepening your understanding of the world. This openness enriches your relationships and equips you with insight, empathy and adaptability - qualities that help you navigate life’s challenges and seize new opportunities. And the big bonus? It will also give you more stories to tell!

Every conversation is a stage waiting for us to show up with intention and purpose, learn and grow.

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