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Elevating Your Presentation Skills - Create a captivating experience to ensure maximum impact

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Image of a single microphone
Photo by Bruno Cervera on Unsplash

So, you’ve got a big presentation or pitch coming up, now how are you going to set yourself up for success?

What is the first step to making your presentation? Open up PowerPoint and make your title slide?


After step one (see blog on human insights) and step two (see blog on storytelling), it's time to consider your presentation, but there are many steps before you write your title slide. These following steps, formulated as simple questions, will take your presentation from ordinary to extraordinary, ensuring it's remembered, shared, and liked by your audience.

1. Who's in the audience and what motivates them?

The very first step is understanding your audience inside out. Who are they? What are their pain points? What motivates them? The better you know your audience, the more effectively you can tailor your presentation to engage and resonate with them. (see blog on human insights)

2. What's Your Core Message?

Before you dive into creating slides, pinpoint your central message. What's the one thing you want your audience to take away from your presentation? It should be clear, concise, and aligned with your presentation's purpose.

3. What's your story?

Once you know your core message, craft your story around the message. (see blog on storytelling)

4. How Will You Grab Their Attention?

Forget starting with a slide full of bullet points. Craft an opening that grabs your audience's attention immediately. A powerful quote, a compelling story, or a thought-provoking question can pique their interest and make them eager to listen.

5. How Will You Address Their Needs?

Connect your message to your audience's needs and concerns. Explain how your ideas or solutions can solve their problems or fulfil their desires. Make it personal, make it relevant.

6. What Evidence or Examples Will You Provide?

Back up your claims with data, evidence, testimonials, or real-world examples. Credibility is key. Make sure your audience knows they can trust what you're saying.

7. How Will You Overcome Objections or Critic?

Anticipate potential objections or questions and have persuasive responses ready. Addressing concerns head-on demonstrates your expertise and builds trust.

8. What's Your Call to Action?

Don't leave your audience hanging. Clearly define what you want them to do next. Whether taking a specific action, supporting an idea, your call to action should be actionable and compelling.

9. How Will You Close Strongly?

Your closing should be a memorable summary of your key points, reinforcing your core message. End with impact to leave a lasting impression.

So, before diving into the slide design, take a step back and consider these critical questions. Your presentation should be a story tailored to your audience, and by answering these questions, you'll ensure it's not just shared and liked but leaves a lasting impact. And then you came make some nice slides.

Ready to dive deeper into the art of presenting? Sign up for my mailing list to receive more insights, tips, and techniques to help you master the art of delivering a presentation that truly wows. It's your time to shine.

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